Visit the Café

Rue Lafayette has been a venture of lavish love; it took one year to rehab and was started during the worse economic times! Now that’s passion!

The building is from the 1920’s and was last used as a Mortgage Company. The interior consisted of drywall and cubicles. The exterior had dirt, dry shrubs and aluminum doors and window frames.

Lafayette Square is a beautiful Historic Neighborhood and we are proud to have participated in bringing this little building back to life!

The look and ambiance came together by drawing from our experiences, cultural backgrounds and from our travels. The real “magic” that makes Rue Lafayette the most unique Cafe in St. Louis comes from our customers. They are from St. Louis as well as from all over the world. At any given time you will hear many languages spoken at the Cafe, this  makes it what it is today, a wonderful melting pot where friendships and life-long memories are made daily!

Part of our rehab was made into a Television Show on HGTV and Diy Networks and currently airs on both networks. For a sneak peek click on Diy:

To view pictures of the rehab click here.